The spirit was willing this morning but the flesh was definitely weak: 36 holes yesterday and 27 the day before were quite enough, so decided to take a day off today. Day off from actually hitting a ball that is, but not from the game itself. I spent the morning doing some preparatory work for the Burhill Challenge, a competition that is to be played next month between all 10 of the BGL Clubs. My task was to transfer the names of all 80 entrants and to ensure that we had the correct handicap information etc. A fairly mindless task, but satisfying to have accomplaished.
More enjoyable was the chance to do something that I have not done for ages: to build a spreadsheet to record the scores, calculate the results and display them vaguely professionally. Just the sort of challenge I enjoy: trying to work out a formula to calculate the best six scores of eight...
A fair amount of time spent thinking and testing until I had a brainwave: just Google the question! Yup, you guessed it, the answer there for everyone to see. How did we survive in those pre-Ask Jeeves, Yahoo days??
A trip into the Club to collect something from the changing room turned into an hour;s chat with Mike, the head pro, not only about the Burhill Challenge set up but also a list of other things that need sorting out about the golf in the coming weeks. Popped into the Captains' Bar and was pleased to see the new General Manager, Matthew, doing some meeting and greeting. Today's his second day, so he must be an expert by now.
Back home to cook dinner. Going to try a Jamie recipe this evening for shoulder of lamb: it looks very simple on the page, and it contains lots of tasty ingredients, so what's not to like?
the first part of that quotation goes 'Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation'... but maybe that was less relevant as you weren't playing today!?